Sunday, December 7, 2008

Outside Reading

I started reading a book called An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. i have read up to chapter 3. So far in the book, Colin Singleton only dates girls named Katherine. He has gotten dumped every time. He has dated a total of 19 Katherines. He wont date anyone that spells Katherine any other way or goes by a nickname of Katherine. His friend, Hassan, realizes Colin got dumped again and decides they have to go on a roadtrip to get Colin over this.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Outside Reading

I read a short story on a girl who was fourteen and she babysat this little boy. He was a fun kid to babysit, they made cookies, watched movies had popcorn, pillow fights and payed Nintendo. His role model was superman. He loved to play baseball, and sing in the choir but one day he had to give them up because his muscles had a problem. Treatments failed and he ended up dying. She misses him and babysitting him. He was a very good boy.