Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Outside Reading

I have recently learned about Cesar Chavez. Cesar was a very outspoken, persuasive and smart leader. This is shown through leading people on the strike. He started NFWA and many people kept joining and joining. He is smart because he can understand human nature. he is a non-violent person. This is shown through him saying violence isn't the answer and going on the non-violent strike. He was very determined and organized too. He was determined to get better wages for farmers and help out many people. He was organized because he thought of new ways to help and keep things in order. Lastly, he was very thankful for all his helpers and their braveness in the strike.

1 comment:

Ms. Roehl said...

Awesome. I'm glad you blogged on this. That means that you're reading my agenda on the board carefully too.