Sunday, September 21, 2008

My favorite book of all time

My favorite book of all time would be My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. This book kept me very interested and i found it hard to put the book down. This book is about a girl, Anna, who has been through many surgeries and had many different tests done to help her sister, Kate, who has had leukemia since she was very young. Anna is found to be a bone marrow match for Kate, and makes a decision that rips her family apart and might have fatal consequences for Kate. This book tells the story of Anna, who has always been defined in terms of her sister and is trying to become her own person. I would highly recommend reading this book.


Kelsey J. said...

This sounds like a touching story. I think I might read it.

Katherine B. said...

Sounds like a good book. Is is really really cool? I just might have to read that.